Let's try something new. New and simple.
10 Things That Make Me Truly Happy
1) Watching my children grow into amazing humans.
2) My friends and family that make feel cared for, seen, and maybe not always understood, but always valued for being myself.
3) Freedom to be myself.
4) My health and body for letting me live my life everyday as long as I promise to always stay on the path to caring for it.
5) Love. In all of its many ways that it finds itself in my life. My friends, my family, new relationship bonds. I love to love and be loved.
6) Giving to others. Whether it be my time, my recipes, my knowledge, my joy from their joy, money, goods, art. All of it. I would give it all away to see the happiness in others.
7) Sunshine, wind, rain, sunrises, sunsets. Everything that nature has to offer and show us.
8) Gardening. Watching something grow as it is nurtured.
9) Self-care
, self love, self improvement. Becoming one with yourself, your spirit, your purpose, and the universe.
10) Creating things. Recipes, art, writings, plans for businesses, goals with others.
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